Our state of the Art inspection robots can go inside of the ducts recording everything as well as giving us a real time videos of what’s inside the duct. Based on this, we can judge what kind of cleaning and sanitization methods should be used.
The Cleaning robot is connected to a air whip system activated by compressed air which agitates the contaminants inside the duct and a contaminant collection unit which has HEPA filter to arrest all the contaminants inside the duct. We sterilize all our equipment and use HEPA filters at all our sites to avoid cross-contamination.
With more than 45 days of Shutdown, the bacteria and moulds would have reached to places where conventional fumigation methods like spraying of chemicals cannot reach.
We use Ozone gas for sterilization which works on the principle of Penetrate and Treat. It reaches to each and every corner of your ducts and your office space to give you 100% result.
1. Ozone as a Disinfectant to Destroy Pathogens, like the Coronavirus:
2. Journal Of Infectious Disease & Epidemiology - Ozone On Corona Virus:
3.Thailand Medical News: Ozone Can Be Used To Destroy The New Coronavirus And Disinfect Areas
Here, the Ozone generator is permanently fixed with the AHU, that keeps dosing ozone inside the supply duct of AHU as long as the AHU is working. In this method we maintain the ozone levels that is sustainable by human beings.
In this technique we have to completely isolate the occupancy area and seal all the openings. Then huge amount of Ozone gas is introduced inside the Supply duct of AHU, from where it travels to the occupancy area and returns back to AHU from the return air duct (Works equally effectively for open return). This way the complete Air System is sterilized.
Besides this, we will also provide you with Indoor Air Quality of your establishment – Before and After Cleaning and Sanitization.
Parameters like PM2.5, PM10, Carbon Mono-Oxide, Carbon Di Oxide, Ozone, HCHO, TVOC, AQI will be measured.
Our teams are specially trained to work on heights, confined spaces and Clean room areas using all necessary PPE’s and safety equipment